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Archival Producer for "A Sexplanation" documentary

Below are two clips containing some of the archival research and production work I did for a documentary called "A Sexplanation". The doc is a first-person exploration of a 30-something man and all he *didn't* learn about sex growing up.

The clips I curated provided context on the pervading attitudes around sexuality and sex education in the 1980's and 1990's—from school films to talk shows like Oprah to the speeches from the President of the United States. Clips from the current era were also included to show how the battle to include sex education in our schools is still a burning issue.

In pulling hundreds of clips for the film director's consideration, I provided an organized delivery of clips and a spreadsheet identifying each clips, copyright information, links where I found the content (if online), and time stamps citing sections of content that were most poignant for the purposes of this footage within the larger context of the film.

The film is now out in circulation at numerous film festivals, receiving excellent reviews! Be on the lookout for this fun, informative gem from director Alex Liu!

And here is a trailer for the movie.


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